We are happy to announce that a selection committee of the Ministry of Health, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, will be arriving to India on 8th Feb,2016 for the recruitment of BSc and Msc female nurses with minimum 2 years experience after internship.
Interview will be scheduled at New Delhi,Bangalore,Cochin and Hyderabad for the below mentioned specialization/Departments:- ICU Adult,CCU, Nephrology, Emergency, Dialysis, General Nurse, NICU, PICU, Labour & Gynecology and operation theatre.
The nurses registered in ODEPC may send their resume mentioning the following details in the SUBJECT line of your email. Registration no,Qualification, Department, Place of Interview preferred, Total Experience in years.
(for eg: ODJ1234, BSc, ICU, DELHI, 2.5yrs)
(for eg: 02.02.1234/15, BSc, ICU, DELHI, 2.5yrs)
Email should contain the following details.(Only CV , NO copies of certificates)
- ODEPC Registration No: and date of registration
- Qualification
- Specialization / Department
- Place of Interview preferred
- Total Experience:
- MSc nurses should mention experience after BSc ………………years and MSc ……………… separately.
CV may be forwarded to odepcsaudi@gmail.com on or before 15th JANUARY,2016.
Allotment for interview will be given according to the seniority in ODEPC registration and the number of allotment provided by KSA.